Micro-Training # 12

Love those you teach
Find appropriate ways to express your love


How to learn to better love the people we teach.


All students need to feel valued, accepted, and that their contributions are a vital part of the learning experience. Feelings of belonging, openness, and connection will come as students feel safe to honestly explore their questions, express their feelings, and share their testimonies. These experiences are at the heart of coming to know and love God.

You should listen carefully as your students ask questions or share their thoughts or feelings. Listening is an act of love. It requires that we care more about what is in another person’s heart than what is next on our agenda or outline. Be willing to set aside what you have planned, as prompted by the Spirit, and listen to class members’ concerns. Let them know through your words and actions that you are eager to hear them.

As you lovingly listen to those you teach, the Holy Ghost will help you learn from what they say. He will also guide you to know how to meet learners’ needs and increase their faith in Jesus Christ. This kind of listening also invites the Holy Ghost to fulfill His roles as teacher, testifier, and Comforter.

Don’t become so absorbed with the lesson that you forget to thank learners for their contributions. They need to know that you appreciate their willingness to share their insights and testimonies.

Watch this video and notice what Sister Jean B. Bingham (S&I Annual Training - January 2021) explains about how the language of love can help us reach the hearts of our students:

Here are some suggestions to help you value the contributions of each of your students:

Invitation to act

Find opportunities to value your students with love-filled words. (See D&C 108:7)

Share your thoughts, experiences or questions with other teachers on your stake teacher's WhatsApp group.