Micro-Training # 07

Love  those you teach


How to learn to better love the people we teach.


We will see together how we can love better the people we teach.

Everything the Savior did throughout His earthly ministry was motivated by love—His love for His Father and His love for all of us. Through the power of the Holy Ghost, we can be filled with this same love as we strive to be true followers of Christ. With Christlike love in our hearts, we will seek every possible way to help others learn of Christ and come unto Him. Love will be the reason and motivation for our teaching.

In the video below left, Neil L. Andersen of the Qorum of the Twelve Apostles, explains that without Christian charity for our students, we cannot be successful as teachers.

To discover more ways to teach with charity and to love your students, watch the video below right.

Invitation to act

What small change would the Lord advise you to make to come closer to His example of teaching with charity?

Implement this small change in your teaching this week.

Share your thoughts, experiences or questions with other teachers on your stake teacher's WhatsApp group.