Micro-Training # 30

Invite diligent learning
Invite learners to live what they are learning


How to help students learn by themselves.


The Savior taught in order to change lives. He wanted His disciples to do more than just hear His words, so He invited them to act on His teachings with faith. He knew that as His followers lived the doctrine He taught, they would come to know that it came from God (see John 7:17). His teachings would be a protection to them in times of turmoil, confusion, and adversity (see Matthew 7:24–27). Remember that building faith and becoming more Christlike does not happen in one brief class period. As you invite those you teach to act on true doctrine, you help them extend the learning experience into their homes and daily lives (see D&C 43:8–10).

When students see the relevance of what they are studying in the scripture block to their own situations and circumstances, they are generally more motivated to learn and apply gospel teachings. They are also able to see how the scriptures provide answers and direction that can guide them in real-life situations.

You should invite your students to seek the help of the Holy Ghost in identifying ways they can apply the gospel to their personal needs and circumstances. You can provide guidance and support to your students as they prayerfully consider ways they can become more like Jesus Christ. This can be accomplished using a variety of methods, including pondering, writing, and self-assessment. For example, students could be invited to think about the following:

You and your students can share ideas about how gospel principles apply to a variety of situations. You should help your students identify and act on personal revelation. You should consider ways to help your students recognize their growth and feel encouraged in their efforts. By so doing you can help your students gain confidence in their own ability to learn by the Spirit and strive to become more like the Savior. You can help them see the rich blessings that come from following Jesus Christ.

Quote from our Church leaders:

“Teachers who are commanded to teach “the principles of [the] gospel” and “the doctrine of the kingdom” (D&C 88:77) should generally forgo teaching specific rules or applications. … Once a teacher has taught the doctrine and the associated principles from the scriptures and the living prophets, such specific applications or rules are generally the responsibility of individuals and families.”

(President Dallin H. Oaks, “Gospel Teaching,” general conference, Oct. 1999)

Invitation to act

Think about ways you will help your students take effective righteous actions in their daily lives in your next class. Write down the questions you are going to ask them. Then share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences with other teachers.

Share your thoughts, experiences or questions with other teachers on your stake teacher's WhatsApp group.