Micro-Training # 03

Teach about Jesus Christ no matter what you are teaching
Look for symbols that testify of Jesus Christ


How to place Jesus Christ at the center of our teaching and learning experience.


“All things,” the Lord declared, “are created and made to bear record of me” (Moses 6:63; see also 2 Nephi 11:4). With that truth in mind, we can learn to see a multitude of symbols in the scriptures that testify of the Savior. These symbols include things like bread, water, and light. Once we understand how these objects relate to the Savior, they can teach us of His power and attributes. You can even find parallels to the Savior’s life in the lives of prophets and other faithful men and women in the scriptures. Looking for symbols reveals truths about the Savior in places you might otherwise overlook.

This is a video excerpt from the Worlwide S&I Annual Training Broadcast of June 2018. Watch this video carefully, then consider how you will help your students learn about the symbols, types or shadows of Jesus Christ through the stories, the teachings, the characters and prophets you will encounter in the scripture study in the weeks to come.

Invitation to act

In future lessons, help your students discover a symbol, a type or a shadow of Jesus Christ by studying a story, a teaching, a prophet or character from the scriptures that you are currently studying. Help them see what they learn and how it influences their knowledge of the Savior and how it motivates them to be more like Him.

Share your thoughts, experiences or questions with other teachers on your stake teacher's WhatsApp group.